Usage: settrans [OPTION...] NODE [TRANSLATOR ARG...]
Set the passive/active translator on NODE.

  -a, --active               Set NODE's active translator
  -c, --create               Create NODE if it doesn't exist
  -C, --chroot               Instead of setting the node's translator, take
                             following arguments up to `--' and run that
                             command chroot'd to the translated node.
  -L, --dereference          If a translator exists, put the new one on top
  -o, --orphan               Disconnect old translator from the filesystem (do
                             not ask it to go away)
  -p, --passive              Set NODE's passive translator
  -P, --pause                When starting an active translator, prompt and
                             wait for a newline on stdin before completing the
                             startup handshake
  -t, --timeout=SEC          Timeout for translator startup, in seconds
                             (default 60); 0 means no timeout
  -x, --exclusive            Only set the translator if there is not one

 When setting the passive translator, if there's an active translator:
  -g, --goaway               Ask the active translator to go away
  -k, --keep-active          Leave any existing active translator running

 When an active translator is told to go away:
  -f, --force                Ask it to ignore current users and shutdown
  -R, --recursive            Shutdown its children too
  -S, --nosync               Don't sync it before killing it

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

By default the passive translator is set.

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