Kernel/bootloader source code

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by Bob Ham, Yesterday at 1:15 PM.

  1. Bob Ham

    Bob Ham New Member

  2. cobra78

    cobra78 Member

    It is
    It is closed source so not possible for users to get.
  3. Bob Ham

    Bob Ham New Member

    • This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.
    The X9S runs Android. Android only runs on top of the kernel named Linux. Therefore the kernel for the X9S must necessarily be Linux. Linux is free software (sometimes referred to as "open source") and released under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. The terms of this license require anybody distributing binary versions of software, such as on the flash memory of a device like the X9S, to also offer copies of the software source code to anyone receiving the binary. If Zidoo are not providing the source code for the version of Linux running on their X9S devices, to users of those devices, then they are violating the terms of their license and infringing copyright. They would be GPL violators.

    Are Zidoo refusing to provide the source code for the version of Linux running on their X9S devices?
Bob Ham
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